Making Money Online
I have been spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to make a living entirely online. In the long run I hope to have my websites be very successful but in the short term there are a lot of options for supplemental income. I have found my iPhone to be an excellent tool for bringing in cash and gift cards with apps like Checkpoints
and Field Agent
but those are just the beginning. One other way I have found to generate income pretty easily is through sites which pay me to search. The two best paid to search sites right now are Swagbucks and Zoombucks.
Swagbucks Is Awesome
Swagbucks is currently the most successful and popular paid to search site. I’ve been able to earn about $15 in Amazon gift cards during my first month. I have done this without referrals, mostly from just searching, watching a few videos and voting in the daily poll. The amounts vary for most prizes but for a $5 Amazon gift card, 1 Swagbuck equals a little more than a penny. They will also pay you cash through Paypal but with a Paypal cashout, 1 Swagbuck is worth only a little more than half a penny. I don’t use Swagbucks for all my searches but I use it a good portion of the time. There are many other ways to earn Swagbucks such as their special offer walls, surveys and promo codes. I don’t think they give a particularly fair deal for trading in games or phones unless your other option is to throw them away. Swagbucks just recently started offering paid games where you can compete in tournaments for jackpots or be rewarded smaller amounts for playing for free. I had the games take my Swagbucks then not load twice but once I emailed them for support they credited them back within a couple of hours. The easiest way to earn Swagbucks, however, is with referrals. Each active referral gets you 1 Swagbuck for every one they earn up to 1000. I just installed the toolbar which gives 1 free Swagbuck every day. I cashed in my first 1350 Swagbucks a couple of days ago It takes about 10 days to receive payments and they come in like clockwork. My referral link is Swagbucks and, as always, I would really appreciate anyone using it.
Here is the Swagbucks App For iPhone
Here is the SBTV App For iPhone
Here is the Entertainnow App For iPhone:
Zoombucks Is Good
Zoombucks is the other paid search site that I recommend at the moment based on my research. I just joined yesterday and have made 342 Zbucks already. One Zbuck equals a penny. Where Swagbucks offers gift cards and physical prizes, Zoombucks only has gift cards. They do have a great selection of them including Amazon, Itunes, Disney, and Borders. This probably isn’t the best time to get a Borders gift certificate though.
Zoombucks also has many ways to earn and is available in every country. Just like Swagbucks, you don’t earn with every search but one thing they do that I like is paid emails. My first one was a code worth 20 Zbucks! There is a section called Zdaily that seems to give Zbucks every day just for visiting. There are also paid games, GPT offers, surveys and most of the usual offerings such sites have. I have found this site to be the easiest, that I have tried so far, to qualify for surveys .
I think this site could be as big or bigger than Swagbucks when people catch on to it. The only nitpicks I have are the $20 minimum cash out and the captchas for every Zbuck you earn from searching. The referrals pay a little less than Swagbucks at 10% but there is no limit. Here is my referral link, Zoombucks My user name is sodaguy. I appreciate anyone using it.
Another paid to search site I tried is Irazoo. Irazoo is pretty good but the earnings are slower than Swagbucks and Zoombucks. So far I have only made $5 on Irazoo. You get paid for searches and filling out different offers just like the other two sites. The nice thing they do is have admins check out offers to tell you which ones credit quickly then they post them on their Facebook page. In my experience,when you cash out it takes at least 30 day to get paid. I definitely think this is a site worth using. My username is Sodaguy, here is my referral link, thanks for using it. Irazoo
Incoming Searches- Paid To Search