One really good way to make a few extra bucks online is through GPT sites, GPT stands for Get Paid To. What they do is pay you to complete offers, sign up for free trials, do surveys, and stuff like that. There are lots of GPT sites out there and some are definitely scams so it is important to find sites that pay well and have terms of service that you can work with. I have a few favorites that have paid me and out of all of them I think Treasure Trooper is by far the most fun.
Treasure Trooper has been online and paying since July of 2005. What sets Treasure Trooper apart from other GPT sites is all of the fun games that the owners of the site have created around the offers. Instead of just saying you get paid this much for this offer they have several different currencies that you can use for different things on the site. The main currency is of course Cash but there are also Platinum Coins, Gold Coins, Dragon Scales, Pearls, and the new Arrow Heads. There are so many different side games on Treasure Trooper that I don’t think I even know about all of them yet.
Platinum coins are worth about a dollar and can be used to purchase different prizes like Amazon or Visa gift cards and Electronics such as an Xbox 360 or iPod Nano. Platinum Coins can also be redeemed for Pearls. You can earn Platinum coins from completing various offers or win them on the slot machine. They just added a feature that lets you earn 2 platinum coins for every Groupon you purchase through Treasure Trooper.
Gold Coins Have no cash value. They are used for different things like the Treasure Trooper Slots (1 pull equals 1 gold coin) and to purchase Treasure Hunt Tickets. You can buy Treasure Trooper branded bumper stickers and mouse pads with them if you want. Gold coins are available from some offers in addition to cash, I got most of mine through dragon fights.
Dragon Scales Also have no cash value. There is a side game where you purchase dragon eggs and raise dragons to fight for prizes or sell them for cash. You need dragon scales in order to raise your dragons and for every aspect of training and breeding dragons. You get scales by completing certain offers and as a bonus in addition to cash from surveys. There is a special bonus of 2 free scales for everyone who actively chats in the chat room for an hour.
Pearls These have no cash value but can be used to buy a friendship necklace which will give you the next 2 unreferred members who sign up as your referral. You can also use them to purchase vault keys that give you access to offers that are not in the main offer area. Every time you complete an offer from the main offer area you get a chance to play a game to win a Pearl. If you are in the chat room when your offer goes through you get a second chance.
Arrow Heads These are brand new and have no cash value but they can be used to purchase Dragon Scales and Platinum Coins. These are obtained by completing certain offers.
Another thing i really like about Treasure Trooper is the Cash Click area. You earn 5 cents just for clicking on an ad. If you have ever been paid to click on ads before you already know that this is an amazing rate. Unfortunately lately there have not been very many ads to click. They did say there are working on that though. When I first joined I didn’t realize this but there is a minimum earnings requirement, in order to use the cash click area you need to have earned at least $6. Also cash clicks can not be used toward the $20 minimum cash out.
One thing about the offers you should know is if you give them your main number or email you will get tons of calls and emails. It is best to make sure you have several throw away email addresses. If you don’t have a phone number that works well for offers I recommend a free voice mail only phone number from K7. Gmail works best for email.
I joined Treasure Trooper several months ago but did not start really using it until a couple of months ago. I earned $31.00 for last months cashout and received my cash out through Paypal on the 19th. I earned $30.45 for this months cash out and should get it between the 15th and the 20th. I have found it to be very easy to make $30 a month without referrals. Just a warning though some of the games can be a little bit addictive.
There is also a good referral program where you get 20% of what your referrals make and 5% of what your referrals referrals make. My referral link is and I appreciate anyone becoming my referral. I will send you a message when you get started and help with any questions along the way.
Just a heads up, although members can join and recruit from any country, the majority of the offers are only available in the US and UK. They don’t tell you that when you go to sign up so it can be frustrating to a lot of people.

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