The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Another Amazing Legend Of Zelda Game For The Wii


I’m very excited! The latest Legend of Zelda game, Skyward Sword, is due to come out in less than a month on November 20th, just in time for the Christmas rush. It has been 5 long years since the last installment of the Zelda series Twilight Princess came out. Nintendo knows that The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario are the reason they became so popular in the first place, so they put some serious effort in to new releases. They are definitely the reason why I have personally only bought Nintendo consoles. I have yet to miss a Legend of Zelda console release since The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past came out on the Super Nintendo. They even manage to get me to buy a new console whenever I need it to play the new Zelda game coming out.

Pre-order Bonuses

I usually don’t pre-order games because they are almost always available on the day of release but this year I might do it for the Gold controller since it is only available as a pre-release. I was able to purchase Twilight Princess easily on the day it came out, it just took a few extra days to get a Wii to play it on. My only concern is that I want to buy it from Amazon since I have lots of Amazon gift cards, but they don’t seem to be selling the gold controller bundle pack yet. All pre-orders come with a limited edition Zelda music CD regardless of where you get them from.

I have never been disappointed in any Legend of Zelda game. I am sure this one will be amazing.  This is supposed to be Nintendo’s biggest game project ever. Skyward Sword is supposed to be a Prequel to the Ocarina of Time, it’s interesting how they manage to pull off the Zelda timeline. The swordplay is supposed to be much more precise with this game because of the Wii motion plus. All of the players movements will be exact in the game. Gannondorf will be absent for the first time.

Rent Skyward Sword Before You Buy It

For anyone who is not sure whether they want to buy Skyward Sword or any other game, here is a free trial offer for a Gamefly membership. They have all of the top games for PS3, PS2, PSP, Xbox 360, Xbox, Wii, GameCube, DS and GBA. Use Coupon Code TENDAY To Start Your 10-day Free Trial Today To GameFly! After the free trial for a flat monthly fee, you can rent as many games as you want, without any due dates, any late fees, with pre-paid mail both ways. If you decide you really like a game, you can keep it for a low pre-played game price.

Free Promo Credit From Amazon

I just thought I would let everybody know that when I ordered Skyward Sword from Amazon I received a $10 promo credit good toward anything Amazon sells. With the promo credit and the free shipping it was less expensive than any local stores. The only trade off is having to wait a few extra days. I didn’t see any advertisements for the promo credit so it was a really nice surprise. I’m not sure if they are still doing this or if it was a limited time thing but it is sure a nice thing to get.

I have been playing Skyward sword for a few days now and I can definitely say I really like it so far. It is very similar to previous Zelda games but completely different at the same time. The movements have to be much more precise with the Wii Plus than they did in Twilight Princess. Link and Zelda are from Skyloft up in the Clouds, they ride giant birds around the sky. Zelda seems a bit crazy in this game, she tried to kill link early on by throwing him into the sky then saves him. Zelda and link seem to be teens and romantically interested in each other. Zelda gives link a Sailcloth which prevents injuries from any big falls, It is also a means of transportation in various areas and back into the clouds when needed. While they are flying around something happens to Zelda and link wakes up and has to go find her. One of the more interesting things that they put in this game is Link using the toilet then washing his hands, I don’t think I have actually seen any video game characters do that before. At this point I have gotten past the woods to the first dungeon where Zelda is supposed to be. I liked all of the giant Mushrooms and it was nice to see a Goron right away. Some of the enemies were reminiscent of the enemies from The Wind Waker but they are less cartoonish.

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L-Theanine For Natural Anxiety and Stress Relief

Reduce Stress and Anxiety Naturally

It’s almost time for the holidays and this time of year can be a lot of fun with celebrations and family. I think everybody would have a much better time if we could just relax and enjoy ourselves and our families instead of stressing out. We all go through times of excess stress and anxiety, a little bit can be positive, too much can be overwhelming and unhealthy.  Unfortunately there is also a lot of extra stress and anxiety that goes along with the Holidays.

Supplements vs Drugs

I would like to share some of my favorite natural supplements for dealing with stress and anxiety. The reason I prefer natural supplements over drugs to deal with these kind of problems is that I believe supplements have much less side effects. I have been using all of these supplements personally for many years and have never experienced any adverse effects from them.  The first natural supplement for anxiety and stress relief  I’m going to share is L-Theanine.


L-theanine (gamma-glutamylethylamide) is my favorite natural stress reliever. Theanine is the most abundant amino acid found in green tea, and to a lesser extent, in black tea. It is also found in the Bay Bolete mushroom. L-Theanine can cross the blood brain barrier and is able to block L-glutamate from binding to the brain’s glutamate receptors. L-Theanine is able to increase Dopamine, Serotonin, and  GABA (our brain’s natural opiate). It also increases alpha brainwave activity (Brainwaves in the frequency range of 8–12 Hz) which are associated with relaxation and meditation, and decreases beta brainwaves (brainwave activity between 12 and 30 Hz) which are associated with waking consciousness. This change in brainwave activity provides us with a very relaxed, serene feeling. Here is a coupon from Take $5.00 Off Your $100 Order! Use coupon code 5off100.

NOW L-Theanine - 200mg/60 Vcaps

L-Theanine and Caffeine

I helped to create one of the original relaxation anti-energy drinks several years ago using l-Theanine and it was one of my favorite beverages ever.  I found that mixing this beverage with alcohol increased the effect of both the Theanine and the alcohol while decreasing the amount of alcohol needed for the desired effect. L- theanine also works synergistically with caffeine helping to achieve the desired alertness and mental sharpness from caffeine. It is also a great antidote for times when you have had too much caffeine, which seems to happen to me a lot.

Suntheanine is the best brand of  L-Theanine, in my opinion, because it is the only brand to use a patented bio-fermentation process mimicking the natural process of green tea which ensures that their L-Theanine is pure. Suntheanine achieved GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status in 2007, allowing  it to be used as a food and beverage ingredient in amounts of up to 250 milligrams per serving, without any limit on servings.  Other brands of theanine can be either chemically produced or made as an extract of green tea and are generally less expensive than Suntheanine , however they are usually a mixture of both the L-Theanine and D-Theanine isomers, making them unable to be absorbed properly.

The next natural anxiety and stress relief supplement I’m going to share to share is Gaba.

Disney Princess Costumes

We had a princess themed party for Zoe’s second birthday and she had a really good time but she didn’t really understand what a princess was yet.  Zoe is now 4 and has become very fascinated with Disney princesses, she really seems to want to be a princess for Halloween this year, I think she is going to be Cinderella. One of the nice things about princess costumes is that girls love princess dress up anytime, not just on Halloween.

I think most people are very familiar with the majority of Disney princesses. Most of them are fictional characters from traditional Fairy Tales many of which appeared in Grimm’s Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm. They started marketing them as in 1999 as the Disney princess brand and it has been an amazing success. So far Disney has 10 different princesses in their lineup.

Right now there is a big Halloween sale and all of these costumes are 30% to 90% off for a limited time

The 6 original Disney princess costumes are:

Snow White Costume

Snow White – is the main Character from the very first Disney animated feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which came out in 1937. This is an officially licensed Snow White costume. This Deluxe Snow White Costume for girls comes with the blue and yellow princess costume dress and petticoat, a detachable red cape, the character cameo and the red bow headband.

Girls Deluxe Snow White Costume - Snow White Costumes

Cinderella Costume

Cinderella – Is the main Character from Disney’s 12th animated film Cinderella, which was based on the  French story Cendrillon by Charles Perrault. This officially licensed Disney Girls Deluxe Shimmer Cinderella Kids Costume includes the deluxe sparkly blue dress with peplum and roses, the petticoat and the blue headband.
Girls Deluxe Shimmer Cinderella Costume - Cinderella Costumes

Aurora Costume

Aurora– Is the Main character from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, which came out in 1959. Sleeping Beauty was also a story from Originally from Charles Perrault and later the Brothers Grimm. This officially licensed Disney Girls Deluxe Shimmer Aurora Costume includes the deluxe sparkly pink and white dress with peplum and roses, the petticoat and the headband tiara.

Girls Deluxe Shimmer Aurora Costume - Sleeping Beauty Costumes

Ariel Costume

Ariel-is the main character from Disney’s The Little Mermaid which came out in 1989 and is based on the Hans Christian Anderson story of the same name. This Storybook Ariel Prestige Edition Costume for children includes the dress with glittered character art on the skirt, a fishtail, headband and character cameo.
Girls Prestige Ariel Costume - Disney's The Little Mermaid

Belle Costume

Belle – is the one of the main characters from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast, which came out in 1989. This Storybook Belle Prestige Edition Kids Costume includes the dress with petticoat and glittered character art on the skirt. It also has a character cameo and matching headpiece.

Girls Storybook Prestige Belle Costume - Disney's Beauty and The Beast Costumes

Jasmine Costume

Jasmine- is one of the main characters from Disney’s Aladdin Movies: Aladdin, The Return Of Jafar, and Aladdin and the King of Thieves. This Storybook Jasmine Prestige Edition Girls Costume includes the top with character cameo, full-leg pants with glittered character art and the bejeweled headpiece.
Girls Prestige Storybook Jasmine Costume - Disney's Aladdin Costumes

Some of the newer Disney princess costumes include:

Tiana Costume

Tiana – is the main character from the Disney movie The Princess And The Frog, that came out in 2009. This officially licensed Girls Deluxe Shimmer Princess Tiana Costume includes the deluxe green and white sparkly dress, petticoat and the sparkling tiara from Disney’s Princess and the Frog movie.
Girls Deluxe Shimmer Princess Tiana Costume - The Princess And The Frog Costumes

Rapunzel Costume

Rapunzel– is the main character from Disney’s 50th animated feature film Tangled, which came out in 2010. This officially licensed Girls Deluxe Shimmer Tangled Rapunzel costume from the Disney Tangled movie includes the pink and purple princess costume dress with peplum, cameo, petticoat and the jeweled headband.  Wig available separately.
Girls Deluxe Tangled Rapunzel Costume - Rapunzel Tangled Costumes

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